simply Toon point
If you keep doing things that don't matter to you, you will not have time to do things that really do.
Committed entrepreneur. Mechelen Burgundian. Creative consultant. StadsbeMester. Inspirator of up-and-coming talent. Every time you see Toon, he wears a different original pair of glasses. And that suits his personality perfectly. Versatile, colourful, creative and surprising. Serious if necessary.
On the one hand, Toon likes to stimulate sustainable growth for large companies. On the other hand, he likes to think along with local entrepreneurs, such as small breweries, organic restaurants, urban projects, young graphic novel artists ...
Many of his ideas come together in the Mechelen non-profit organization Mest, of which Toon is the founder. This organization helps starting entrepreneurs find an affordable space to test their project. At the same time, a solution is being created for empty buildings in the city, which are developing into places of cross-fertilization and interaction between different disciplines.
In recent years, Toon has shared his passion and inspiration with, among others, Dell Computer, restaurant Meteor, Sony, Brouwerij 3 Fonteinen, Sony Ericsson, Dunlop, Microsoft-Windows Phone, Wunderman Thompson,